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Darmstadt - Germany

Darmstadt - a town in Hesse (Germany), located in the valley of Rhein, about 143 000 inhabitants, located about 1100 km away from Płock.
On the Mathilda Hill (Mathildenhöhe), in the eastern district of the town, there is Artists'Colony - established in 1899 by Great Duke Ernst Ludwig. This is a charming place built-up with secession villas. In Darmstadt there are more such curiosities: sparkling, golden domes of Orthodox church on the Mathilda Hill (built by the last Russian Tsar Nicolas II whose wife was the Hesse princess Alexandra), Lion's Gate at the entrances of Rose Hill, sculptures in Plane-tree Grove.
On the Mathilda Hill there is also Deutsches Polen - Institut (German Institute of the Polish Culture), founded in 1980 by Karl Dedecius (Honorary Citizen of Płock from 1996). The poet Kasimir Edschmid wrote: "Darmstadt has its own face: serene, dignified, not very fanciful. Although conservative, it is constantly being rejuvenated and inspired by new trends".
On 24 September 1988 the mayor of Darmstadt - Günther Metzger and the president of Płock Marian Rodzeń signed a partnership and friendship contract between Płock and Darmstadt.
Cooperation between Płock and Darmstadt has been evolving in many domains, mostly in the field of culture and sports . In past years, among others, the following institutions cooperated with each other: Polish Red Cross in Płock German Red Cross In Darmstadt, Warsaw Technical University in Płock and Technical College In Darmstadt (at present Technical University), Mazovian Museum in Płock and Museum "Artists' Colony", Castle Museum and others in Darmstadt, Płock Art Gallery and Museum "Artists' Colony", "Darmstadt Secession" in Darmstadt, Płock Symphony Orchestra and Chopin Society from Darmstadt, Płock Photographic Society and Photo-Club in Darmstadt, Płock Chess Society, Provincial Interschool Athletic Club "Mazovia", Municipal Interschool Sports Club "Jutrzenka", District Association of Badminton, District Football Association and sport associations in Darmstadt, the fire brigade, the police and its equivalents in Darmstadt, Construction Schools Complex no. 1 and Peter Behrens Schule, Władysław Jagiełło High School and Bertold Brecht Schule, Małachowski High School and Ludwig Georgs Gymnasium, III High School and Edith Stein Schule.
Thanks to cooperation with Darmstadt the pupils of music school in Płock regularly give concerts in European Teenage Orchestra organized by Darmstadt. Under the partnership cooperation in 2001 a slim volume of poems was written "Bridge of Poetry - Poesiebrucke", being a collection of Polish and German poems translated into both languages.
A significant effect of economic cooperation is a common project named "House Available". As a result of activities of Environment and Housing Institute in Darmstadt, with the use of funds from the Fund PHARE in Płock, a design of constructing terrace detached houses has been completed.
A very spectacular example of effects of partnership-based cooperation concerning teenagers was participation of Płock in International School Olympic Games – a huge sports event for teenagers with over thirty years of tradition. Thanks to contacts with Darmstadt Płock has participated in Olympic Games from 1993 and in the summer 2002 was – as the first town in Poland, – the organizer of the competition. Olympic Games in Płock were organized under the Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, and over 1000 participants from 41 cities and 27 countries in the world took part in them.
A special example of cooperation is Darmstadt House in Płock, opened in 1996 (in the 19th century it was"Berlin Hotel") - common investment of both cities and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. This is a cultural and educational institution, whose main aim is broadly defined popularization of German culture and literature in Płock, as well as development of cooperation with partner cities, in particular with Darmstadt. Cultural events with the participation of Polish and foreign artists (from Darmstadt, other German regions and other countries) take place here. Also, the following events are organized: book and art exhibitions, photography exhibitions, concerts, performances, readings, meetings with men of letters, foreign language courses. There is a library with a reading room as well as guest rooms are made available. 

Wykonanie: Kamikaze